Implementing Firebase Remote Config in Android using Kotlin

Unlock Dynamic Android App Configuration with Firebase Remote Config: A Step-by-Step Guide

Firebase Remote Config is a powerful tool provided by Firebase that enables developers to modify the behavior and appearance of their app without publishing an app update. It allows you to define parameters in the Firebase console and change their values dynamically, giving you the flexibility to make changes on the fly.

firebase remote config

In this article, we will explore Firebase Remote Config and guide you through the process of implementing it in an Android app using Kotlin.

What is Firebase Remote Config?

Firebase Remote Config is a cloud-based service provided by Firebase, a mobile and web application development platform by Google. This service allows developers to remotely manage and modify the behavior and appearance of their applications without requiring users to download an app update.

One of the primary benefits of Firebase Remote Config is its ability to define parameters in a centralized Firebase console and alter their values dynamically. This feature proves valuable for implementing A/B testing, gradual rollouts, and making real-time configuration changes, providing developers with greater flexibility in tailoring their apps to user preferences.

Key features of Firebase Remote Config include:
  1. Parameter Configuration: Define parameters in the Firebase console and change their values without updating your app.
  2. Conditional Delivery: Target specific groups of users or devices by specifying conditions such as app version, device type, and more.
  3. A/B Testing: Test different variations of your app's parameters to determine the most effective configurations.
  4. Fallback Mechanism: Provide default values for parameters, ensuring that your app functions correctly even if it can't retrieve the latest configuration.

How does Remote Config Work?

As the name suggests, Firebase Remote Config allows you to remotely configure different app experiences or features and gives you control over how you expose them to your users.

It provides a set of key-value pairs that live in the cloud and that are consumed in your app that you can configure with different values based on different conditions.

This makes rolling out features, personalizing app experiences, and running A/B tests in your apps possible with just a few lines of code.

A simple diagram for Remote Config REST API

Now, let's dive into the steps to implement Firebase Remote Config in an Android app using Kotlin.

Step 1: Set Up Firebase Project

Before you start, make sure you have a Firebase project created. Go to the Firebase Console and create a new project if you haven't already.

Once your project is set up, add your Android app to the project and follow the instructions to download the google-services.json file. Place this file in the app module of your Android project.

Step 2: Add Dependencies

In your app's build.gradle file, add the necessary dependencies for Firebase Remote Config:

gradle implementation ''

Make sure to check for the latest version of the Firebase Remote Config library on the official documentation.

Sync your project to apply the changes.

Step 3: Initialize Firebase Remote Config

In your Application class or the main activity, initialize Firebase Remote Config:


class MyApp : Application() {

    override fun onCreate() {

        // Initialize Firebase

        // Set up Remote Config
        val configSettings = remoteConfigSettings {
            minimumFetchIntervalInSeconds = 3600 // Set your desired fetch interval
        val remoteConfig = FirebaseRemoteConfig.getInstance()

Don't forget to register your custom Application class in the manifest.

Step 4: Define Parameters in Firebase Console

Go to the Firebase Console, select your project, and navigate to the Remote Config section. Add parameters with default values that you want to fetch in your app. For example, you might define a parameter called "welcome_message" with a default value of "Welcome to my app."

define a parameter in remote config

Step 5: Fetch Remote Config Values

Now, in your app code, fetch the values of the parameters from Firebase Remote Config:


class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    private val remoteConfig = FirebaseRemoteConfig.getInstance()

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {


    private fun fetchRemoteConfig() {
            .addOnCompleteListener(this, OnCompleteListener { task ->
                if (task.isSuccessful) {
                    // Apply fetched values to your app
                    val welcomeMessage = remoteConfig.getString("welcome_message")
                } else {
                    // Handle fetch failure
                    showToast("Fetch failed")

    private fun showToast(message: String) {
        Toast.makeText(this, message, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()

This example fetches the values from Remote Config and displays a toast with the "welcome_message" parameter.

Step 6: Test and Iterate

Build and run your app on a physical device or emulator. Ensure that you can fetch the remote configuration successfully. Experiment with different values in the Firebase Console to see how your app responds.


Congratulations! You have successfully implemented Firebase Remote Config in your Android app using Kotlin. This dynamic configuration approach gives you the flexibility to fine-tune your app's behavior without the need for frequent updates.

Keep in mind that Firebase Remote Config is a powerful tool, and you can explore more advanced features such as conditions, A/B testing, and audience targeting as your app evolves.

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Pragnesh Ghoda

A forward-thinking developer offering more than 8 years of experience building, integrating, and supporting android applications for mobile and tablet devices on the Android platform. Talks about #kotlin and #android

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