Learn about what is solid principles and how we can implement in our Android project
The SOLID principles are a set of design principles for object-oriented programming that aim to make the software more maintainable and scalable.
What are SOLID Principles?
SOLID principles are five principles of object-oriented programming and design that help to create software designs that are both maintainable and extensible.
- Single Responsibility Principle (SRP): Focusing on one Task
- Open/Closed Principle (OCP): Embracing Extension
- Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP): Ensuring Substitutability
- Interface Segregation Principle (ISP): Granular Interfaces
- Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP): Inverting Dependency Flow
How SOLID is applicable to Android?
These principles are applicable in Android because they help produce code
that is maintainable, extensible, and testable. Android applications are
made up of many classes, so following SOLID principles helps ensure that the
code is organized and
in a way that is easy to read and understand. Additionally, following these
principles can help reduce the amount of refactoring that is necessary when
making changes to the code.
In Android, SOLID principles are applied through the use of Android
Architecture Components like the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM), which helps to
separate the application’s logic from its UI, making it easier to maintain
and extend. Other components such as Dagger,
Hilt, and RxJava can also help to adhere to SOLID principles by providing a
means to manage dependencies, allowing for a more extensible codebase.
1. Single Responsibility Principle — A class should have only one responsibility
The Single Responsibility Principle is applicable in Android by ensuring
that each component of the system is only responsible for a single feature
or piece of functionality. For example, Activities should only be
responsible for handling user interface tasks such as navigation, input,
and output, while other components such as Services, Content Providers,
and Broadcast Receivers should be responsible for performing background
tasks such as network requests,
data storage, and broadcast communication. By adhering to the Single Responsibility
Principle, Android developers are better able to create maintainable
applications that are easier to understand and debug.
class NetworkManager { fun fetchRemoteData() { // Code to fetch data from a remote server } } class DataManager { fun processData(data: String) { // Code to process the fetched data } }
2. Open-Closed Principle — A class should be open for extension but closed for modification
The Open-Closed Principle states that software entities should be open for
extension, but closed for modification. This principle applies to Android
development in several ways.
First, Android encourages developers to create extensible apps that can be
easily extended by other developers. This is done through the use of APIs,
libraries, and frameworks, which allow developers to easily add new
features and functionality to an existing app without having to modify the
source code.
Second, the Android SDK provides developers with tools and libraries to
help them create robust and extensible apps. These tools and libraries
provide developers with the ability to create components that can be
reused and extended, thus allowing them to maintain their codebase without
having to constantly modify it.
interface PaymentProcessor { fun processPayment(amount: Double) } class CreditCardPaymentProcessor : PaymentProcessor { override fun processPayment(amount: Double) { // Code to process credit card payment } } class PayPalPaymentProcessor : PaymentProcessor { override fun processPayment(amount: Double) { // Code to process PayPal payment } }
3. Liskov Substitution Principle — Derived classes should be substitutable for their base classes
The Liskov Substitution Principle can be applied to Android development
by ensuring that any subclass of a base class is a valid substitute for
the base class. This means that any subclass should be able to be used
in place of the base class without any issues. This is important in
Android development to ensure that all subclasses of a base class can be
used interchangeably and that no additional code needs to be written to
use a subclass instead of a base class.
open class Shape { open fun draw() { // Code to draw the shape } } class Circle : Shape() { override fun draw() { // Code to draw a circle } } class Square : Shape() { override fun draw() { // Code to draw a square } }
4. Interface Segregation Principle — Clients should not be forced to depend on methods they do not use
The Interface Segregation Principle is also applicable to Android
development. This principle states that interfaces should be broken
down into smaller, more specific interfaces. This helps to reduce
code duplication and makes the code easier to maintain. For example,
in Android development, one might create an interface for a specific
type of user interaction, such as an interface for dealing with user
input. Breaking down the interface into smaller interfaces makes it
easier to understand and maintain the code.
interface Camera { fun takePhoto() } interface GPS { fun getLocation() } class SmartPhone : Camera, GPS { override fun takePhoto() { // Code to take a photo } override fun getLocation() { // Code to get GPS location } }
5. Dependency Inversion Principle — Depend on abstractions, not on concretions
The Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP) is a software design principle
used to decouple software modules. It states that high-level modules
should not depend on low-level modules, but instead, both should depend on
abstractions. This means that components should only depend on
abstractions, which makes it easier to maintain and extend code.
In Android, the Dependency Inversion Principle can be applied when
developing Android applications. For example, an Activity can depend on an
interface instead of the concrete implementation of the View class. This
way, the Activity can be decoupled from its View, making it easier to
maintain and extend the code.
Additionally, the Dependency Inversion Principle can be applied when using
third-party libraries in Android applications. By depending on interfaces
instead of concrete implementations of the library, the application can be
decoupled from the library, making it easier to extend and maintain the
In summary, the Dependency Inversion Principle can be applied in Android
applications by depending on abstractions instead of concrete
implementations. This way, code can be decoupled, making it easier to
maintain and extend.
interface Database { fun getData(): String } class SQLiteDatabase: Database { override fun getData(): String { // Code to retrieve data from SQLite database } } class DataManager(private val database: Database) { fun processData() { val data = database.getData() // Code to process data } }
It’s worth noting that implementing these principles can make your code
more flexible and maintainable, but it can also make it more complex, so
it’s important to strike a balance between SOLID principles and
practicality when designing your Android app.