Kotlin Data Classes vs. Java POJOs: Key Differences and Practical Examples

Kotlin, a modern programming language, is known for its expressive syntax and strong support for functional programming. One of its standout features is the data class, which simplifies creating classes primarily used to hold data. 

Credit: Android Academics

In this Kotlin tutorial, we'll explore what data classes are, we'll compare Kotlin's data classes with Java's approach to data management through Plain Old Java Objects (POJOs), their benefits, and how to use them effectively with examples.

What is a Data Class in Kotlin?

A data class in Kotlin is a special type of class designed to hold data. It automatically generates common methods like toString(), equals(), hashCode(), and copy() for you, significantly reducing boilerplate code.

Key Features of Data Classes

  1. Primary Constructor: A Kotlin data class must have at least one parameter in the primary constructor.
  2. Val/Var Properties: The properties defined in the primary constructor are automatically declared as val (read-only) or var (mutable).
  3. Generated Functions: The compiler generates standard functions like equals(), hashCode(), and toString().

Syntax of a Data Class

Kotlin Data Classes
In Kotlin, a data class is a concise way to create a class specifically for holding data. It automatically provides equals(), hashCode(), and toString() methods based on the properties defined in the primary constructor. 

The basic syntax for declaring a data class in Kotlin is as follows:
data class User(val id: Int, val name: String, val age: Int)

In this example, we have defined a User data class with three properties: id, name, and email.

Equivalent Java Class

In Java, you would typically create a POJO to achieve similar functionality. Here’s how you can define the same User class:
  public class User {
    private int id;
    private String name;
    private String email;

    public User(int id, String name, String email) {
        this.id = id;
        this.name = name;
        this.email = email;

    public int getId() {
        return id;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public String getEmail() {
        return email;

    public String toString() {
        return "User{id=" + id + ", name='" + name + "', email='" + email + "'}";

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (this == obj) return true;
        if (!(obj instanceof User)) return false;
        User user = (User) obj;
        return id == user.id &&
               name.equals(user.name) &&

    public int hashCode() {
        return Objects.hash(id, name, email);

A POJO in Java is a regular class that contains fields, constructors, and getter/setter methods. It doesn’t provide any methods automatically, so you have to implement them manually.

Comparing Features: Kotlin Data Class vs. Java POJO

1. Boilerplate Code

Kotlin Data Classes: The data class automatically generates methods like toString(), equals(), and hashCode(), drastically reducing boilerplate.

Java POJOs: You must manually implement these methods, leading to more lines of code and potential errors.

2. Immutability

Kotlin Data Classes: By default, properties in data classes can be declared as val (immutable) or var (mutable). This encourages the use of immutable data objects, which can lead to safer code.
data class User(val name: String, val age: Int)

Java POJOs: To control mutability, explicitly define getters (and setters for mutable properties).

3. Copying Objects

Kotlin Data Classes: The copy() function allows for easy duplication of instances with modifications.
data class User(val id: Int, val name: String, val email: String)

Java POJOs: The constructor and field declarations are separated, making it less compact.
data class User(val id: Int, val name: String, val email: String)

4. Destructuring Declarations

Kotlin Data Classes: Kotlin supports destructuring declarations, allowing you to unpack data class properties easily.
val user = User("Alice", 30)
val (name, age) = user

Java POJO: Java does not have built-in support for destructuring. You need to manually access the fields using getter methods.

5. Default Values

Kotlin Data Class: You can provide default values for parameters in the constructor, making object creation more flexible.
data class User(val name: String = "Unknown", val age: Int = 0)

Java POJO: To achieve similar functionality in Java, you’d need to implement multiple constructors or provide default values in the fields.

Example of Using the Kotlin Data Classes

Now, let's create an instance of the User class and see the generated methods in action:

Kotlin Usage

fun main() {
    val user1 = User(1, "Alice", "alice@example.com")
    val user2 = User(2, "Bob", "bob@example.com")

    // Print the user details
    println(user1) // Output: User(id=1, name=Alice, email=alice@example.com)

    // Check equality
    val user3 = User(1, "Alice", "alice@example.com")
    println(user1 == user3) // Output: true

    // Using the copy method
    val user4 = user1.copy(name = "Alice Smith")
    println(user4) // Output: User(id=1, name=Alice Smith, email=alice@example.com)

Java Usage

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        User user1 = new User(1, "Alice", "alice@example.com");
        User user2 = new User(2, "Bob", "bob@example.com");

        // Print user details

        // Check equality
        User user3 = new User(1, "Alice", "alice@example.com");
        System.out.println(user1.equals(user3)); // true

        // Copy and modify (requires a new constructor)
        User user4 = new User(user1.getId(), "Alice Smith", user1.getEmail());

Explanation of the Example

  1. Creating Instances: We create instances of the User class with different data.
  2. Printing the Object: The toString() method automatically formats the object as a string.
  3. Checking Equality: The equals() method allows us to compare two instances for value equality.
  4. Copying an Object: The copy() method allows for creating a new instance with some properties modified.


Data classes in Kotlin provide a powerful and efficient way to handle data. They reduce boilerplate code, promote immutability, and come with built-in functionality that simplifies data management. Whether you're building a small application or a large-scale system, understanding kotlin data classes will enhance your Kotlin programming experience.

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Pragnesh Ghoda

A forward-thinking developer offering more than 8 years of experience building, integrating, and supporting android applications for mobile and tablet devices on the Android platform. Talks about #kotlin and #android

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